A Craft a Day in April
I've felt a bit like I lost my crafting mojo lately among all the dishes and laundry, and I was inspired by Jean over at the Artful Parent to plan an activity a day for the month of April*. Jean's ideas all sounded like such fun and just what I needed great way to really re-engage with the kids after a long winter. Admittedly, we may well not complete every activity on the expected day or even finish quite all of them this month, but we'll have a good time trying! (image via mesh2)
1 - Pop-up birthday cards for Daddio
2 - Fingerprint bunnies
3 - Paper birds
6 - Bunny craft
7 - Pecking hens
8 - Potato print chicks
9 - Jellybean necklace
10 - Springtime crayon resist
13 - Kids' address book
14 - Stationery set for Daisy
15 - Ribbon hair bows
16 - Folding letters
17 - Tissue paper flower pictures
20 - Rain gauge
21 - Garden craft
22 - Playdough nests
23 - T-rex sponge prints
24 - Felt flowers
27 - Tissue overlay flowers
28 - Splatter dino eggs
29 - Make pretzels
30 - Chirpy chick drawings
*except for the weekend, since that's our time with daddio and he has his own crafty plans!
What are your plans for April?
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