Announcing the Kid Craft Jamboree!

I love reading about all of the creative projects we parents in the blog world share with their kids. It never fails to inspire me when I'm not really feeling up to the challenge of motherhood and so enriches the time that I have with my little ones. I am so grateful to be a part of this community of wonderful moms and dads and their creative children. If you're here and reading this, I suspect that you feel much the same way, and are always on the lookout for something new and fun!

Chrissie from Flipflops and Applesauce and I are super-excited to announce that we're getting together as your hostesses for an ongoing blog carnival (I'm not so into the 'carnival' thing, so I vote we go with jamboree! hooray!) to bring together the crafty parenting-blogs' seasonal ideas every month or so.

How to participate:
  • Share a post with a Springy/Easter-themed project/activity/craft/recipe on your blog (you may already have published it!). We can't wait to hear about it!
  • Visit the sign-up form and submit your information to be posted in the Jamboree. Make sure to submit by April 5 to give us time to review the entries and put the Jamboree post together.
  • Share a link back to the carnival with our button or a post on your blog!

The first edition of the Jamboree will be published on Kiddio April 7 (the Tuesday before Easter) and will feature links to the submitted blogs and a little rundown on each post. May's carnival will be at Flipflops and Applesauce!

So get crafting!

(We're open to accepting all entries so long as they conform to the theme, are hosted on a 'blog,' and aren't spammy or somehow questionable. Thanks!)
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