Specifically, there was a story of a girl from Uganda whose family received a cow from Heifer International and with the proceeds from milk sales and the sale of a calf was able to go to school and her family could build a more livable home. Things that our children take as basic necesities became vastly more meaningful to her and she has since been bound and determined to contribute to Heifer's mission. As a family we donate to specific organizations each year, but this is her cause and it has been important to her (and me) that she make the contribution. Early ideas for fundraising didn't pan out (lemonade doesn't sell well in the snow!), but she hit upon a lovely idea that I'm pleased to be able to share with you.
She drew up ten winter-y holiday images (a snowman, angel, gift, holly, etc) and, with a little cutting help, made up these fun gift tags. Some fold over, others are flat, and some feature an interesting holiday collage, and come in an assortment of sizes. She would like to provide a Basket of Hope which gives the gift of bunnies and chicks. The Heifer Hope Basket, with its chickens and rabbits, offers just that to Heifer's project partners. From Heifer International:
What can be more hopeful to a struggling farmer than a gift of fast-multiplying livestock? Rabbits are easy to care for and reproduce quickly, allowing their owners to sell the offspring for extra income once they've fulfilled Heifer's "Passing on the Gift" promise; and chickens lay eggs and provide manure for vegetable gardens. That's why this gift of Hope goes on and on, lasting much longer and helping more families than the usual gift basket filled with pastries or presents ever could.
Update: We collected a bit over $80, enough to donate a Basket of Hope and Honeybees. This was such fun, and such a valuable experience for a five year old I know and love. Thank you so much!