I'm sorry for not posting for a few days--Daddio came home for my birthday on Sunday (we had the best weekend in recent memory, hiking, picnicking, going out for ridiculously fun french food by ourselves), and my folks are flying in today to join Josie, Jasper, Adelaide, and I for a roadtrip to visit family.
I've really earned the break and I'm just so excited to get to the farm and break into the fun stuff I've packed, do a lot of roadtrip eating (especially the Bohemian Cafe in Omaha and Arthur Bryant's in Kansas City to replenish my bbq sauce supply), and hit some roadside oddities. I'll be back in a day or two to let you know how traveling with a five-, two-, and half-year old, and the grandfolks goes. I don't quite know what to expect!

photo via photos.net