A Tiny Cake Plate for A Tiny Cake

Daisy's sixth birthday was in early January and (with all due thanks to Martha) we celebrated with a teeny tiny party.  Mini invitations invited friends to come in their fanciest dress-up to decorate tiny treasure boxes, feast on itty-bitty sandwiches (made with teeny-tiny cocktail bread), small juice boxes, mini-fruit kebabs on fancy toothpicks, and the tiniest of mini-cupcakes.  Sadly, we haven't any pictures to share as we were between cameras, but the tiny cake plate I made to serve the little cupcakes has survived and seen great use since the party broke up.  Here it serves up an easy-bake cake, while other times it's featured the final treats for an afternoon tea party.

To make one for your own tea parties, head out to the thrift shop and pick up a small glass plate (mine was 50 cents and is quite elegantly etched with swirls and rosettes, but I think that a cupless ceramic saucer would do nicely!) and a small glass votive, mini vase, or juice glass (my votive was also 50 cents).  I attached the two with my favorite craft glue, although I suspect hot glue would work almost equally well.  Let dry, et voila!  Enjoy!
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