Signs of Spring

We're feeling much, much better, and thank you all so much for your kind comments and emails.  The week of recovery gave us a little extra bit of quiet time and some much-needed peace.

Friday, though, the weather was so lovely and the kids so stir-crazy that after lunch we packed up and headed to the mountains for an early-Spring hike and a search for the earliest signs of Spring that we could spy.  The children sought them out and I snapped a photo (with better planning there might've been a journal and some colored pencils, but this was so last-minute that we forgot the doggie's leash!)

First, we found a trail with plenty of big trees and blue sky.  (for locals, we went up to Elk Meadow in Evergreen and parked at the trailhead across from the dog park)

We found baby trees...

...and new daisies.

A cocoon waiting for warmer weather....

...and a centipede sunning herself on a very, very big rock.

My find was the oozy sap on a Ponderosa Pine (if you look back at the first photo you can see Daisy checking for the telltale butterscotch scent...yummy!).

And, of course, what is Spring without new sandals, already scuffed-up and dirty from a good, two-mile hike? (taken at one mile per hour!)

How is your family enjoying the change of season?
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