Danielle is our winner with entry number 124!
This giveaway is now closed...thank you all for playing!
I confess to being a bit of a nerd--I love books, I love games, and I do my best to pass this affection on to my future-nerd children. Unfortunately, while all of our kids appreciate books, our three-year-old really hasn't been interested in sitting around to play a whole round of anything...except for the award-winning Cat in the Hat - I Can Do That! game.It's been great for working on basic skills with him, and the physicality of the game has been so helpful during the cold weather that's been keeping us inside. While the Cat on the box drew his attention in, the fun of game play has had him asking to play over and over. The premise is simple: each player draws three cards, each of which dictates part of a silly task the player must complete. For example, card 1 could read "Take four giant steps," card 2 "with the fish," and card 3 "under your chin!" As a bonus, the two older kids enjoy playing together and the pieces are not so small as to be a problem for our one year old. All around, a fun game and great for days that keep energetic children cooped up!
For more Seussian fun, check out the Horton Hears a Who! and The Grinch - Sing Your Heart Out! games, too Oh, hey guess what? I've got one a copy of the Cat in the Hat - I Can Do That! game for one of you! Just head over to the giveaway entry form and leave me a comment about what your favorite holiday tradition that you share with your children is. (Entries will be accepted until Monday, December 15 at 8 am Pacific Time).
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