Legwarmers from Felted Sweater Keep Legs...Warm!

Our nice weather lately has meant more playing outside.  Nice for us, but not so good on Daisy's tights.  I used the sleeves from a felted sweater to whip up a pair of cozy legwarmers that can stand up to the crazy-dressing-skirt-loving-soccer-playing-pirate-pretending-worm-digging-fairy-hunting abuse that a certain six-year-old delivers. 

They couldn't have been simpler.  I ran a little blanket stitch around the top to finish them off but honestly, that part's optional.  I'm saving the rest for a snuggly pair of pants for the baby...
Legwarmers from Felted Sweater Keep Legs...Warm! SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend