Sneek Peek...

Dear readers, who I wonder about, care for, and appreciate deeply:

I love kiddio to bits, in spite of a run of seriously frustrating, melancholy weeks, I'm still here and back to posting (thank you so much for the kind emails, comments, and general nudging :).  I like it tremendously well the way it is and don't want to clutter it up with anything that doesn't relate directly to its purpose of sharing ideas relating to family creativity, crafting with kids, and the like.

I've come to realize, though, that I am more than a mother (maybe others of you realize this, but I had let this notion fall woefully to the wayside), and I need to indulge my other interests a bit more than I have.  As a result, I'd like to share another little project I've been working on with you.

If you're interested in what house+made has to offer I hope you'll join me there as well for more about our family and how we make it all work...just more from my perspective than from the kids.  I'll still be here, probably posting quite a lot more than I have recently, so don't worry.

I'll tell you more about it soon, but for now there's a bit there and you might like to check it out (if only to see what I've been torturing myself with (see picture above)!

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