Friday link roundup

We're on our way up into the mountains today to pick cherries, stay in a stream-side bed and breakfast (wish me luck with that one...), and swim in the world's largest hot spring pool this weekend.  Finally, a family vacation that isn't a trip to visit our families!

There have been so many creative posts this week to share.  I'm sure that this list will get you planning for next week!

  • Art Projects for Kids featured a tutorial for mini books with covers made from recycled cereal boxes.  I love the graphic effect from the colorful boxes! (photo via art projects for kids)  
  • Design Mom has a link to a gorgeous method for saving and displaying your child's art.  I'm thinking about how I could adapt this into a smaller format that we could do more regularly...
  • At Small Notebook, Rachel has some ideas for homemade baby gifts.  I've just stumbed on her site and am really loving it.
  • Preschool Mama shared a list of quick and easy tent ideas for the toddler set.  It may be an obvious activity, but her ideas are great and it's nice to get a reminder to actually do it! 
  • This may not be super-creative, but last week Simple Mom discussed how she makes menu plans and shops for her family's groceries.  I've been moving toward a similar plan, but it is so helpful to see how someone really puts theirs into practice.
  • Melissa at Chasing Cheerios stitched up some neat felt food for her daughter's play kitchen.  The bowtie pasta was a clever idea, and I love the way she stuffed her peapods with felt balls to feel like peas.  
  • Finally, if you haven't yet, you must stop in the Let's Explore shop.  Amy's blog is wonderful and her shop is filled with equally lovely craft goods for your favorite little people.  I've been wishing for some crayon rocks to fill up the craft tote I ordered a few months ago (and love!  it is exactly perfect!), and some letter/number ice cube trays to make letter crayons with (you can bake in them too, since they're silicone!)
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