We're a family of five living somewhere in the Denver area. I, Amanda, do most of the writing and all of the mothering to Josie (5), Jasper (2.5), and Adelaide (seven months). Before having kids I was a developmental psychologist and generally creative person (okay, my mind races with more projects than I could possibly finish), now I stay at home and put it all into practice with our little ones. Daddio does what he can to keep up and involve the kids in all that he does.
We think that busy, creative kids are happy kids, and that accomplishing this is simple. Our general parenting philosophy is to let our children be kids, play outside a lot, work on lots of projects, and be a contributor to the family. Other than providing good materials and opportunities and setting reasonable limits, we pretty much stay out of the way and let the kids be who they are.
Here at the library collective you can expect to see:
Fun projects and crafts designed to enhance children's understanding of their environment, books they read, nature, and other things we think are just generally neat.
Unbiased reviews of great children's books, music, and playthings, including both a parent's viewpoint and insight into what the kids really thought.
Links to other resources that we think provide additional worthwhile ideas for moms and dads who have great kids (that's you!).
Anything else we think is fun and worth your time, plus a little bit about our family, who we are and what we do..
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Anyhow, we appreciate your visit and we hope to see you around more often!
at least everyone's looking at the camera!